
逢年过节:继承与传播孝文化的载体 被引量:2

The Recycle of Jie:An Effective Way for the Sustaining of Filial Piety Culture
摘要 孝道的内涵主要表现为"报恩"与"亲亲",尽孝的行为态度主要源自"报恩"与"亲亲"两种感情取向,并由两者互构而成,由此可以演延出以亲子孝道体验作为基础而推己及人的"仁道"设想。由于许多节日传统以孝道作为核心价值,并且拥有周而复始的特征,因此,节日作为孝文化的载体,足以强化学习孝文化与社会化孝文化的氛围。当代人在提倡节日文化的同时,若能友善地为老弱者设计无障碍环境,也会有利于解放老龄人生产力以及增加老龄者活动能量,更有助于打造孝亲敬老的大环境。 The performance of filial piety or Xiao(孝) is mainly base on the inter-support between obligation of repayment/sacrifice and the affection of family relations, both serve as the behaviourally and emotionally dimensions of the Xiao(孝) culture which allow the development of the theory of benevolence(仁) for the care of human relations and the achievement of social harmony. While the Chinese Jie (节) which traditionally creates the atmosphere for the socialization and learning process of Xiao (孝) culture is still an efficient way for the sustaining of Xiao (孝) culture,the construction of barrier -free friendly environment which is a basic for the freedom of access is also important for the liberation of the productivity of ages. The barrier-free environment is also a important support for the aging group to continuing their activities. As a friendly environment will certainly providing more opportunities for common activities and communications among family members, the collective awareness of practicing of Jie(节) may be enhanced by the barrier-free environment.
作者 王琛发
机构地区 孝感学院
出处 《孝感学院学报》 2010年第1期14-20,共7页 JOURNAL OF XIAOGAN UNIVERSITY
关键词 报恩 亲亲 孝文化 节庆 载体 无障碍环境 推己及人 和谐社会 repayment/sacrifice for the gratitude affection of family relations Xiao (孝) culture celebration of Jie(节 ) vehicle for sustain barrier-free environment extension of senses of sympathy harmonious society
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