简介了IDEA(International Data Encryption Algorithm)加密算法设计原理,给出了C语言实现该算法的流程图。基于AD-SP-BF535 EZ-Kit评估板这一硬件平台,分析了数字化语音通信的原理与过程,设计实现了语音保密通信系统,大大提高了语音通信的可靠性和安全性。
The article briefly introduces the design principle of IDEA(International Data Encryption Algorithm) and presents the flow diagram of its realization based on C language.In the article the principle and the process of digital voice communication are analysed and the voice security communication system are also designed and realized,both are based on the hardware platform of ADSP-BF535 EZ-Kit evaluation board.All of these improve greatly the reliability and security of voice communication.
Computer Applications and Software