对Web数据库基于内容的重要数据加密是保证信息可靠与安全的关键。设计实现了一个基于AES(The Advanced En-cryption Standard)高级加密标准算法的Web数据库加解密接口,并详细阐述了接口中各子功能模块的功能与实现细节,测试实验表明该接口在高负荷网络访问环境下具有良好的加解密效率,增强了Web数据库的安全性能。最后给出了应用时合理化的加密算法参数建议,为Web应用环境下的数据库加解密提供了思路和方法。
Encryption of content based important data in Web database is a key for ensuring the information reliability and security.In this paper,a web database encryption interface is designed and implemented based on AES advanced Encryption Standard algorithm,and the paper elaborates on the functions of sub-modules of the interface and their detailed implementation.The test results show that this interface has a good efficiency of encryption/decryption in high-load network access environment,it improves the security performance of the Web Database.In the end of the paper,the suggestion of rational encryption/decryption parameters while applying the interface is presented,this provides the thought and approach for encryption/decryption of the database in Web application environment.
Computer Applications and Software