
基于模型散乱点的三维物体重建 被引量:1

Rebuild 3D object based on module control points
摘要 基于三维模型的散乱数据点,通过引入分割平面,对数据集进行划分,将散乱数据划分为n个子集合来重建物体。具体的过程,是通过引入控制参数δ和η,将满足相应条件的3D散乱点划分到相应的子集合中,然后对各个散乱点子集合进行判断,提取其各个子集上的控制点,构造各个子集的控制点构成的边界。最后,对每两个相邻的边界进行相似性评估,对相似的边界之间通过等比例划分,非相似的边界采用全局优化,从而得到重建的三维物体的模型。经过实验证实该方法高效、方便、准确。 Based on the three dimensions scattered data points,the data set is divided,and the scattered points is divided into n amount of sets to rebuild object.The detail procedure is that induct the control parameter δ and η to get specific 3D scattered points sub sets under in some conditions,then evaluate each scattered points sub set to extract the control points,and build up the boundary which is formed by the control point.Lastly evaluate the each adjacent boundary using the resemble evaluation,if the adjacent boundaries are resembled,using the method of equal proportion to divide it,else using the method of globle optimation to divide it,therefore,get the 3D model of the object.The experimental results show that this method is effective,convenient and accurately.
作者 林欣
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期90-93,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 模型 散乱点 三维重建 分割平面 module scattered points rebuild 3D object divide planar
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