The Copenhagen conference ended with an agreement to limit temperature rise to 2℃ and cut global GHG emissions to 50% of the1990 level gets,the world's average energy consumption per Energy by 2050.To meet the 2050 carbon emission reduction tar- capita should not exceed 2.5t of coal equivalent per year. carbon intensity to is a new indicator reflecting the relationship between carbon emission and energy mix.It is calculated using the formula to=2.4T,in which 9/ is the shares of various primary energy sources that generate and emit carbon dioxide.Under the lEA 450ppm Scenario,the global carbon dioxide emission will peak at 307×108t in 2020 and the global energy consumption will peak in around 2030.According to the Denmark scenario,the carbon dioxide emission will peak at 320×108t in 2025 and the energy consumption will also peak around 2030,at 273×108t of coal equivalent per year,3.3t of coal equivalent per capita per year The later the carbon emission peaks,the greater the difficulty of achieving the 2050 long-term targets will be.Under the Denmark scenario,the world needs to cut 10×108t of carbon dioxide emissions annually from 2030-2050 and compared with the 450ppm Scenario,the total volume of carbon dioxide in the atmo- sphere will rise by at least 400×108t.According to the 2010-2020 GHG emission reduction targets announced by the Chinese government,China's energy consumption by 2020 will reach 41×108t of coal equivalent and carbon dioxide emissions will reach around 74×108t.As long as China's energy intensity drops by 20% every five years,these targets are achievable.China should quicken its pace of developing non-fossil fuels and trans- forming its industries,step up effort to develop natural gas and significantly raise its energy effficiency.If so, China will not lag behind in reducing GHG emissions.
Sino-Global Energy
carbon emission reduction
energy carbon intensity
energy consumption
emission reduction target
natural gas
energy efficiency