
我国主要植烟土壤氮素矿化潜力研究 被引量:9

Nitrogen mineralization potential of major soil planting tobacco in China
摘要 为研究我国植烟土壤潜在供氮能力及其分布状况,从18个烤烟主产省的317个县采集了500多个土壤样品,采用Stanford的间歇淋洗好气培养法,测定了土壤氮素矿化势和矿化速率常数。结果表明,植烟土壤氮素矿化速率常数(k)平均为0.017/d,土壤氮素矿化势(No)平均为130.6 mg/kg,变幅为5.53-72.0 mg/kg,0—30 cm土壤累积潜在供氮量达到了470.2 kg/hm^2。不同植烟区土壤矿化势差异显著,黄淮烟区、北部西部烟区、东北烟区、南部烟区、长江中上游烟区、长江中下游烟区、西南烟区土壤矿化势分别为:64.1、78.8、99.0、119.9、127.8、135.0和160.5mg/kg。其中南方烟区(南部烟区、长江中上游烟区、长江中下游烟区、西南烟区)的矿化势显著高于北方烟区(北部西部烟区和东北烟区)和黄淮烟区。不同类型土壤矿化势存在显著差异,即使是同一类型土壤,其矿化势变异仍很大。因此应从宏观上把握全国植烟土壤的供氮潜力,对于土壤供氮潜力过高的区域,在植烟土壤区划中应考虑进行调整,而对较高的区域,可以考虑采用农艺措施进行调控,减少烟株生育后期氮素供应;而对于土壤供氮适量的区域,应作为优先发展烤烟生产的区域。 To provide a basis for regulation and control of nitrogen nutrition on flue-cured tobacco, this study investigated the mineralization potential (No) of main soil planting tobacco in China and its distribution. Samples from 18 provinces 317 town were incubated indoor. 117 samples among of them were incubated under aerobic condition for 17 weeks and others were incubated under aerobic condition for 3 weeks including 1 week incubation in advance. The data of the longterm incubation were well fitted by first order model; the mean of the mineralization rate constant (k) is 0.017/d. It was found that No computed by the mean of k did not show significant difference with No fitted. The mean value of No is 130.6 mg/kg, ranging from 5.5-372.0 mg/kg, and the maximum potential supply nitrogen in 30 cm soil surface layer was 470.2 kg/ha with the variability coefficient being 49.5 % . There is significant difference on the No between the different tobacco zone. The No is 64.1, 78.8, 99.0,119.9, 127.8, 135.0 and 160.5 mg/kg for north-east tobacco-growing areas and the southern tobacco-growing areas, the Yangtze River middle-upper tobacco-growing areas, the Yangtze River middle-lower tobacco-growing areas, the southwest tobacco-growing areas, respectively. The differences No are also observed among various agrotypes. The potential nitrogen supply of agrotypes (containing paddy soil, yellow soil, red soil, purple soil, rendzina) is significantly higher than the agrotypes (brown soil, palm soil) in the north. There is closely positive correlation between No and the content of soil organic matter. The soil nitrogen supply potential should be well known at the macro level. In the region with excessively high No, the tobacco plant zoning should be subjected to adjusting. In the region with high No, agronomic measures could be considered to control and reduce tobacco late reproductive nitrogen supply. The region with the suitable No should be selected first for the development of flue-cured tobacco production.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1266-1272,共7页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家烟草专卖局科技项目(110200601014)资助
关键词 植烟土壤 氮素矿化势 矿化速率常数 soil planting tobacco soil nitrogen mineralization potential mineralization rate constant
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