
欧洲议会对华涉藏决议的政治内涵分析 被引量:3

Political Implications of the European Parliament's Resolutions on Tibet
摘要 欧洲议会以人权问题为借口、频繁通过涉藏决议的做法由来已久。2008年拉萨"3.14"骚乱事件以来,欧洲议会在涉藏问题上更加明显地偏袒和支持达赖喇嘛、批评中国。透过欧洲议会近年来在涉藏问题上的相关决议,可以发现其寻求使涉藏问题国际化的图谋更加明显,对中欧政治关系的负面影响不容忽视。对欧洲议会在涉藏问题上的反华立场及其动因进行探讨具有重要现实意义。 The European Parliament(EP)frequently passed resolutions on the Tibet issue on the pretext of protecting human rights.After the 3/14 riots in Lhasa in 2008,the EP shows more obvious partiality for Dalai Lama and becomes critical of China's policy towards Tibet.From its recent resolutions on Tibet,it can be seen that the EP's intention to internationalize the Tibet issue becomes stronger and more straightforward.The negative impact of this on the political relationship between China and Europe cannot be ignored.It is thus of relevance to discuss the EP's anti-China position on the Tibet issue and the motivations behind it.
作者 房乐宪
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期86-98,共13页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 中国人民大学科研基金2008年一般项目"2006年以来欧盟对华战略认知变化与对策研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:22382019
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  • 1European Parliament, "Resolution on the Situation in Tibet", 15 October 1987, http ://eutibet. typepad. com/tibet_intergroup_blog/files/B2 - 100887_EN. pdf, 2009年4月3日访问. 被引量:1
  • 2Http ://eutibet. typepad. com/tibet_intergroup_blog/parliament_resolutions/,2009年4月3日访问. 被引量:1
  • 3"European Parliament Resolution of 10 April 2008 on Tibet", http://www.europarl. europa.eu/sides/ getDoc do? pabRef = -//EP//TEXT + TA + P6 - TA - 2008 - 0119 + 0 + DOC + XML + V0//EN, 2009年4月10日访问. 被引量:1
  • 4"European Parliament Resolution on the 50th Anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising and Dialogue between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese Government", http://www. europarl. europa. eu/sides/getDoe. do? type =MOTION&reference=P6-RC-2009-0135&language=EN,2009年4月10日访问. 被引量:1
  • 5John Peterson and Elizabeth Bomberg, Decision-Making in the European Union, London : Macmillan Press LTD, 1999, p. 43. 被引量:1
  • 6Daniel Thym," Beyond Parliament' s Reach? The Role of the European Parliament in the CFSP", European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 11,2006, pp. 109 - 127. 被引量:1
  • 7Andreas Maurer," Daniela Kietz and Christian Volkel, Interinstitutional Agreements in the CFSP: Parliamentarization through the Back Door", European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 10, 2005, p. 179. 被引量:1
  • 8European Parliament, Rule of Procedure(16th Edition), February 2008, Rule 114, http://www. ena. lu/obj/download/EN/Rules%20of% 20Procedure% 20EP% 2016th% 20edition%20(February%202008). pdf,2009年6月16日访问. 被引量:1
  • 9European Parliament, Rule of Procedure(16th Edition), February 2008, Rule 115, http://www. ena. lu/obj/download/EN/Rules%20of% 20Procedure% 20EP% 2016th% 20edition%20(February%202008). pdf,2009年6月16日访问. 被引量:1
  • 10European Parliament, Rule of Procedure(16th Edition), February 2008, Rule 113, http://www. ena. lu/obj/download/EN/Rules%20of% 20Procedure% 20EP% 2016th% 20edition%20(February%202008). pdf,2009年6月16日访问. 被引量:1












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