

Analysis of the Internetworking and Corresponding Solutions for Transport MPLS
摘要 随着数据流量的不断增长及其高突发性,基于SDH技术的传送网逐渐显示出不可解决的劣势.下一代传送网将被基于分组的传送技术所垄断,T-MPLS是一种新的基于分组传送的技术,目前T-MPLS主要定位在城域传送网络,并逐渐向核心网络部分进行扩张.本文基于ITU-T所定义的T-MPLS框架体系结构,结合已有的基于MPLS技术的组网方式,分析了T-MPLS未来的应用前景,并给出了未来传送网络可行的演进模型. As with the rapid growth of traffic volume ,the SDH based transport network exhibit great limit in aspect of bandwidth allocation. The next generation transport network will be monopolized by packet based transport technologies. T-MPLS is representative packet based transport technologies which now focus on the MAN( Metropolitan Area Network) transportation. T-MPLS will expand to backbone network. Based on the architecture proposed by ITU-T, analyze the internetworking model between T-MPLS and the legacy MPLS equipment. A suggested solution is given for future evolution of transport network and the prospect of T-MPLS.
作者 孙锦萍 李彬
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期45-48,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划项目(2009AA01Z218)资助
关键词 T-MPLS 伪线 互通 分组传送 T-MPLS pseudo-wire internetworking packet transport
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