由于计算机应用技术的快速普及,越来越多不同类型的专业实验和专业考试都已经无纸化,对于高校公共计算机试验室多样性的要求日渐提高。然而要同时使各类的专业实验和无纸化考试的正常进行,多重操作系统并存势在必行。但由于多个操作系统之间可以互相访问,这样对实验测试和无纸化考试都存在一定的影响,现提出利用L inux下的G rub多重操作系统启动管理器实现多个操作系统同时并存但又不互相影响的方法。
Various professional experiments and examinations have been increasingly computerized because of the prompt popularity of computer technology,which results in the high demand of the computer labs. Therefore, It is imperative for Multiboot System to work in harmony so that the experiments and examinations can be conducted smoothly. However, the operation systems can visit each other, which will exert a negative influence on them. This paper aims at the method to have the System work well by the use of Grub.
Journal of Huizhou University