F-rich granites in South China may be divided into the high-P subtype and low-P subtype according to their whole-rock P2O5 contents. There are obvious differences in chemical compositions of these two subtypes. The high-P subtype is strongly peraluminous and characterized by low-silica, very low REE contents and higher A/NKC and Na/K values, while the low-P subtype is weakly peraluminous and characterized by high-silica, very high REE contents and high CaO and Mg+Fe values. There are also some differences in their mineralization. High-P subtype granites are mainly related to Nb and Ta mineralization, while low-P subtype granites are mainly related to Sn, W and Be mineralization. The micas of high-P subtype granites are richer in Li, while those of low-P subtype granites are richer in Fe. The phosphorus of high-P subtype mainly appears in the feldspar structure as PAlSi_2 or subordinately in the amblygonite as an accessory mineral,and the P2O5 contents in the feldspars are high. On the contrary,the P2O5 contents in the feldspars of low-P subtype granites are very low (<0. 01% , whithin the detection limit of micro-probe analysis) ,and phosphorus is mainly hosted in trace amounts of phosphate minerals.
Geological Review