Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been an .important public health problem in China.According to the Chinese Health Statistical Digest published by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, the morbidity and mortality of viral hepatitis are the highest among the infectious diseases compulsorily reported to the authorities of public health. The average incidence rate of viral hepatitis is 50-100 per 100 000, i.e. 0.6-1.2 million acute viral hepatitis cases occur every year in the country. Among them, 25% are hepatitis B. There are estimated 93 million of chronic HBV carriers among its 1.3 billion population,
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been an .important public health problem in China.According to the Chinese Health Statistical Digest published by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, the morbidity and mortality of viral hepatitis are the highest among the infectious diseases compulsorily reported to the authorities of public health. The average incidence rate of viral hepatitis is 50-100 per 100 000, i.e. 0.6-1.2 million acute viral hepatitis cases occur every year in the country. Among them, 25% are hepatitis B. There are estimated 93 million of chronic HBV carriers among its 1.3 billion population,