
LTE OFDMA系统基于最大径选择的信道估计算法 被引量:3

Channel Estimation Algorithm Based on Dominant Taps Selection for LTE OFDMA
摘要 针对3GPP LTE下行链路提出了一种有效可行的信道估计方法,其原理是首先在时域用LS算法估计出信道的冲击响应,然后通过忽略信道响应能量较小的一些径,这样在进一步抑制噪声干扰的同时还有效控制了算法复杂度;最后,将得到的经过径选择的时域信道冲击响应向量变换至频域,得到用于最终信号检测的频域信道响应向量。仿真结果表明,该改进算法与传统的LS算法相比,在保证低复杂度的同时,提高了信道估计精度。 A new channel estimation method is proposed for channel estimation in the 3GPP LTE downlink. The channel estimation is first implemented in the time - domain before selecting the dominant channel taps to improve the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) by ignoring the taps corresponding to the lower powers. In the frequency- domain, the transformed channel data corresponding to the pilot positions are further chosen to implement a channel interpolation before signal detection. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional LS approach in the frequency- domain,without increase in the computational complexity.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2010年第1期69-71,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 3GPP LTE 信道估计 LS 最大径选择 3GPP LTE channel estimation LS dominant channel taps
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