The time budgets and daily activities of 20 captive Derby′s Parakeets in four groups were observed by instantaneous method and scan sampling method from March of 1994 to February of 1995. The results are as follows: The time that Derby′s Parakeet started to act in the morning was changeable in different months. During the period of our observation,the earliest awakening time was 5∶49 on July 5th and the latest time was 7∶35 on the January 5th. Statistical analysis showed that the awakening time in different months of a year was significantly different( P<0 01,F=15 30 , d f = 34),and had close correlation with the time of sun rise ( r =0 995, d f =34) (Fig.1). The time to spend on activities of the captive Derby′s Parakeet was significantly different in one year. The frequency of resting was higher from December to March than in other months, and with the least in May. The frequencies of other activities were lower from December to March than in other Months. Resting, locomotion, feeding and body care were the major activities of Derby′s Parakeet in all months(Fig. 4). Analysis of variance showed that time budgets of resting, body care, breeding and in nestbox were significantly different ( P<0 01,F =5 33~12 68, d f =34); locomotion was different ( P < 0 05,F = 3 05, d f =34); and feeding and social behavior were not significantly different ( P>0 05,F =1 27~1 85, d f =34) in different months. Locomotion,feeding,body care and social behavior showed two peaks in a day. They mainly occurred from 7∶00 to 10∶00 and 15∶00~19∶00; however, the exact time these activities occurred and lasted was different. Resting was on the contrary to the other activities(Fig. 2). These might suggest that daily activities of Derby′s Parakeet always avoided the time of higher temperature, lower humidity and higher illumination of noon. Analysis of variance showed that resting, locomotion, feeding, body care, in nestbox, breeding, and social behavior in different time of a d
Psittacula derbiana, In captivity, Activities, Behavior, Time budgets