
汶川“5·12”地震公路灾害分析和防治对策 被引量:5

Analysis of highway damage in "5·12" Wenchuan earthquake and suggestion on countermeasures
摘要 "5.12"汶川8.0级特大地震中,震区公路及其设施设备遭到了极为严重的破坏,公路受损里程累计53 295 km。通过灾后现场调查资料对震区高山峡谷地带的公路破坏特征进行了剖析和归纳。将地震灾害破坏模式划分为两种:一种是与地震同步发生的地震波对公路结构本身造成的直接破坏模式,主要有公路的路面、桥梁、隧道结构本身的变形和破坏;另一种是地震诱发诸如崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、塌陷等次生灾害对公路的间接破坏作用。通过对两种破坏作用的分析,从6个方面提出了对震区高山峡谷地带的公路抗震防灾对策建议。 In "5 · 12" M8 Wenchuan earthquake, the highway and relevant device in seismic zone were destroyed seriously and a total of 53295 km highway suffered damage. Utilizing field investigation data, the damage characteristics of the highway in high mountain gorge area were analyzed. There are two kinds of seismic damage : one is direct destructive mode of highway structure itself caused by seismic wave happening synchronousely with the earthquake, such as the distortion and destruction of road surfac, bridge and tunnel structure ; the another is indirect destruction of the highway caused by seismic secondary disasters, such as landslide, avalanche, debris flow, etc. Based on analysis of the two destructive action, the suggestion for countermeasures against earthquake disaster of highway in high mountain gorge in seismic zone was presented from 5 aspects.
出处 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期97-103,共7页 Journal of Natural Disasters
关键词 汶川“5·12”地震 公路地震灾害 防灾对策 灾后现场调查 "5· 12" Wenchuan earthquake highway damage disaster prevention countermeasures post-earthquake field investigation
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