针对注塑机结构设计工作中对数据管理系统的需求,从优化数据管理,实现协同设计和提高设计效率的目的出发,研究了注塑机结构设计部门级产品数据库管理(Product Data Management,PDM)系统实施和综合应用。从整体上缩短了注塑机产品的开发周期。
Focusing on the requirements for the database management system occurred in the injection molding machine structural design, to start with realizing coordination design of the injection molding machine, and promoting design efficiency with optimizing data management, the paper studied application and implementation of PDM system in view of the features of the injection molding machine structural design and actual design process. On the whole it shorten the development period of injection molding machine.
Light Industry Machinery