

New Study on the Writer andWriting Time of Mulan Poem
摘要 宋、元时期脍炙人口而今家喻户晓的《木兰诗》,应该就是中唐人韦元甫将“原始”作品分拆後增加词句所“续入”的二首姊妹篇之一。而其“原始”作品,盖南宋人祝穆所录题为“晋木兰”所作的“古乐府”。值得注意的是,除生活年代晚于韦元甫者,无人提及那首已被“精炼”的作品。实际上,当拓跋鲜卑君临北中国之际.女子以女妆出入营垒的现象十分普遍,只有在唐统一后,军队中才没有女性。到了后世,兵威不振的宋和崇尚武功的元,从各自的感观出发.都对木兰有着许多的赞美。 Wei Yuanfu, the person who lived in middle Tang, had separated and rewritten the original poem into two, and the Mulan Poem, which had won universal praise during the Song-Yuan period and is known to all in the present age, must be one of those two. As for the original poem, it could be identified with the Guyuefu created by Mulan in Jin Dynasty in the collection compiled by Zhu Mu, the person who lived in the Southern Song. It is worth of paying attention to the fact that there was none who reminded of the refined poem apart from those who lived in later times. Actually, it was popular that the women in female clothes came in and went out of the military camps when the emperors of Tobagh Sirvi took the Northern China. There was no woman in the national army only after Tang rulers had unified the country. Based on the different emotions and reflections, lots of eulogy to the leading lady had been made by the Song and Yuan people. And it would be interesting contrast that Song was a regime weak in the armed force and armament and Yuan was quite opposite.
作者 王頲
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2009年第4期193-213,共21页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
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