Inorder to innovate in supporting actual roadways, increase supporting strength and reusing times of support, decrease damage rate of support,U-steel and I-steel yieldable support including 6 kinds of supports devided into 2 groups are developed.the 1st group include 4 kinds of U-steel articulated yieldable support with 3 sections and 4 hinges, or 4 sections and 5 hinges , or 3 sections and 4 hinges and splayed legs, or 5 sections and 2 hinges. The 1st group of support has constant initial working resistance, advantages combined with aiticulated support advantages and U-steel yieldable support advantages, and yieldable, compressible, automatically regulating load characteristics. In comparison with non articulated U-steel yieldable support, supporting resistance of U-steel articulated yieldabe support increases by 30%, damage rate of support decreases by 20%.The support can be used more than 5 times. The 2nd group of support includes 2 kinds of clamp ring I-steel trapezium-shaped yieldable support. one is with yieldable beam and yieldable legs; other is with yieldable beam oryieldable legs. In comparison with I-steel rigid non-yieldable trapezium-shaped support,damage rate of clamp ring I-steel trapezium-shaped yieldable decreases by 79%, cost of maintaining roadways decreases by 20%.
Coal Science and Technology