目的:探讨脑血管支架在治疗脑血管疾病的应用现状,以及脑血管支架置入者的康复治疗对疾病恢复的作用。方法:用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI:1989/2009)和Medline database(1989/2009),按纳入和排除标准,对文献进行筛选,资料收集和质量评价,共纳入39篇文章。从脑血管支架的应用现状、脑血管支架置入的主要影响因素及主要并发症和脑血管支架置入患者的康复治疗的发展趋势3方面进行总结。结果:支架置入治疗脑血管疾病较为有效,但支架的材质、技术参数、体内细胞因子等多种因素均可能影响支架置入的效果,且脑血管支架置入引起的各种并发症如血栓形成、脑出血、再狭窄以及高灌注、低灌注等问题仍阻碍着该技术的进一步发展。脑血管疾病支架治疗患者经过康复治疗后其运动功能和生活自理能力得到了改善和提高。结论:脑血管支架置入虽受到多方面影响,但是以其特有的优势在脑血管疾病治疗方面发展迅速。对脑血管疾病支架置入治疗患者的康复治疗可以最大限度恢复其生活自理能力。
OBJECTIVE: To explore the application status of cerebrovascular stent in cerebrovascular disease and the effect of rehabilitation treatment on disease recovery of patients undergoing cerebrovascular stent implantation. METHODS: A computer-based online search of CNK1(1989/2009) and Medline Database (1989/2009) was performed. Articles were screened according to included and excluded criteria and evaluated. A total of 39 articles were selected. The application status of cerebrovascular stent, major influential factors and complications of cerebrovascular stent implantation and rehabilitation of patients undergoing cerebrovascular stent implantation were summarized. RESULTS: Stent implantation is an effective therapy for cerebrovascular disease. However, various factors affect the efficacy of stenting, such as stent material, technique parameters, and in vivo cytokines. Moreover, cerebrovascular stent induced complications such as thrombosis, cerebral hemorrhage, restenosis, hyperperfusion and hypoperfusion limit its further development. Rehabilitation treatment for patients undergoing cerebrovascular stent implantation significantly improves their movement function and self-care ability. CONCLUSION: Cerebrovascular stent implantation is influenced by a variety of factors. Nevertheless, it rapidly develops due to its particular advantages in treating cerebrovascular diseases. Rehabilitation treatment for patients undergoing cerebrovascular stenting maximizes their self-care abilities.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research