

Pointing out the Flaws of the Textbook of Chinese Literary Theory: English Translation with Criticism
摘要 本文对大学双语教材《中国文论:英译与评论》翻译方面存在的瑕疵进行了分析。该文认为:宇文所安教授对中国古代文论的核心范畴的翻译还缺乏哲学背景的考虑,同时他对抽象范畴的翻译存在"硬译"现象。 This paper will analyze the flaws of the textbook of Chinese Literary Theory: English Translation with Criticism through pointing out that Professor Yuwen takes less account of the backgrounds of Chinese philosophy of Taoism to translate the core categories and his translation about some abstract categories is very rigid.
作者 邓国军
机构地区 内江师范学院
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2009年第6期141-143,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
关键词 教材 英译 指瑕 textbook translating in English pointing out the flaws
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  • 4中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编..现代汉语词典 第5版[M].北京:商务印书馆,2005:1870.
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