1Burton Clark, The Higher Education System, Berkeley: University of California Press, Ltd. , 1983,p. 143. 被引量:1
2Peter Scott, The meanings of Mass Higher Education, Suffolk: The Society for Researeh into Higher Edueation & Open University Press, 1995, p. 168. 被引量:1
3Martin Trow,"Problems in The Transition from Elite to Mass Higher Education", Policies for Hither Education, OECD General Report of Conference on FPose-Secondary Education, Paris, 26^th-29^th June, 1973,p. 63-71,61. 被引量:1
4US Department of Education, 120 Years of Americ Education: a staistical portrait, National Center fro Education Statistics, January 1993, p. 86-77. 被引量:1
5President's Commssion on Hiher Edueatgion, Higher Education for American P Democracy, New York: Haper Brothers, 1974,Vol. 3. p5. 被引量:1
6Jean-Pierre Pellegrin, "Quantitative Trends in Post" Towards Mass Higher Education : issues anddilemmas, Documents of OECD Conference of Future Structures of PostSecondary Education, Paris, 26th-29th June, 1973,p. 54-55. 被引量:1
7Peter Jarvis, Universtities and Corporate University the Higher learning industry in global society, London: Kogan Page Limited, 2001,p. 112. 被引量:1
8John S. Brubacher, On the Philosophy of Higher Education, Revised edition, San Francisco: Josscy-Bass, Inc., Publishers, 1982,p. 62. 被引量:1
9Master Plan Survey Team, A Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960 - 1975, Sacramento: California State Department of Education, 1960. 被引量:1
10Burton R. Clark, The Higher Education System: academic organization in cross-national perspective, Berkeley: University of California Press Ltd. , 1983,p. 138. 被引量:1