Objective To know the results of HIV test of prisoners in Hunan Province, and to provide the evidence for the related work in future. Methods The locations were selected using typical survey method, and the detention centers using stratifying sampling. Multi - level cluster sampling method was used to recruit samples in different detention centers. Interview and questionnaire survey were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Finally, the quantitative data were analyaed by descriptive statistical method and the qualitative data by the thematic frame work analysis method. Results At present, there are mainly three informing modes of HIV test results in the province, informing timely, informing when the prisoners will leave and uninforming. Among 9.55 prisoners, there were 86 cases with HIV positive, with the positive detection rate of 14.8 % ; 48 cases knew the positive results, the proportion of informing result was .55.8 %, and 22.4 % were informed for the first time in the detentions. 92.3 % of prisoners wanted to be informed, and 89 % of them wanted to be told timely. Conclusions The informing rate of HIV positive result is lower, especially the first - time informing rate. To this problem, the workers of the detentions and the prisoners have different attitude.
Practical Preventive Medicine