锦屏二级水电站位于四川省雅砻江干流锦屏大河湾上,利用大河湾之间的水位落差,凿洞引水发电,是雅砻江上装机规模最大的水电站。其引水隧洞长约18~20 km,并具有超深埋、大直径特点。工程地质和水文地质条件极其复杂,采用反演分析方法来修正确定水文地质参数;由于研究的范围很大,而隧洞尺寸相对很小,计算模型采用大模型和小模型相结合的连续介质模型,对大结构面如断层则采用薄断层导水单元来模拟其导水率。通过计算分析研究,预测引水隧洞在施工中的最大渗水量,评价、分析和讨论了隧洞开挖和形成后对周围环境的影响,为设计施工提供参考依据。
Jinping No. 2 Hydropower Station is situated at the large river bend of the main stream of Yalon River in Sichuan Province. It is a diversion type hydropower station with the largest installed capacity on Yalon River. The diversion tunnel is 18 -20 km long. It has large diameter and lies in very deep rock stratum. Owing to the very complicated geological conditions of rock stratum and insufficient technical data, back analysis method is used for determining the parameters. As the wide range of study field and the small dimension of the tunnel, the large model combined with small model is applied in the analysis. The analysis uses the continuous medium model. For the large structure face, such as fault, a thin layer water conduction element is used to simulate its conductivity. From the analysis, the maximum leakage of the tunnel during construction is predicted. The impact of tunnel excavation on the surrounding environment is evaluated.
Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute