
历史辩证法视阈中的当代中国社会发展 被引量:5

Social Development in Contemporary China in the View of Historical Dialectics
摘要 历史辩证法是研究社会历史发展过程及其内在要素的辩证关系的哲学理论,是唯物史观的重要组成部分。在以往的唯物史观研究中,存在着对历史辩证法理解上的偏差;在对社会现实的认识中,存在着历史发展辩证理念的缺失。运用历史辩证法来分析中国社会发展问题要求:在历史发展普遍性和特殊性的辩证统一中认识中国社会发展道路和模式;用历史辩证法的整体性原则来观察和思考问题;用社会矛盾分析方法来分析和解决社会发展中的矛盾;用历史主客体辩证统一观点来分析社会发展中的科学与价值冲突问题。 Historical dialectics is a philosophical theory on the procedure of social history development and the dialectical relation among the inherent essential factors of the procedure. It is an important constituent of historical materialism. In the research of historical materialism, there is deviation in understanding what historical dialectics is. In understanding social reality, the dialectical ideas of historical development are neglected. What should be done while applying historical dialectics to analyzing the issues of social development in China are to recognize the path and pattern of social development in China by utilizing the dialectical unification of universality and particularity in the historical development, to apply totality principle of historical dialectics to observation and thinking, to apply the analytical method of social contradiction to analyzing and solving the contradiction in the social develop- ment, and to apply the dialectical unification of the historical subject and object to analyzing the confliction between science and value in the social development.
作者 郝立新
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期7-11,共5页 Journal of Renmin University of China
关键词 历史辩证法 中国社会发展 整体性 社会矛盾分析 historical dialectics social development in China totality analysis of social contradiction
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