Ce scintillator is an inorganic fast-response crystal. The time-capability of YAP: Ce scintillator is measured by the measurement system, that consists of LASER(emits laser of 266nm wavelength), YAP: Ce scintillator, photoelectric cell etc, and the waveform and time-capability parameter are obtained. The experiment result indicates that rise-time, fall-time, FWHM and decay time is 0.86ns, 41.30ns, 12.536ns and 18.77ns, respectively. The result show that YAP: Ce scintillator is fastresponse crystal scintillation decay time is faster one order of magnitude than that of NaI: T1. Furthermore it has light output and high sensitive to y pulse. It may be used in low intensity γ pulse radiation field.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation