2008年11月联合国教科文组织发布了《2009全民教育全球监测报告》(EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009),提出全民教育事业任重道远,教育治理是实现全民教育的关键。在国际范围内,历年的监测报告都以特定的主题与视角分析全民教育的发展状况。《2009全民教育全球监测报告》在教育治理方面提出了诸多理念与建议。
It has been over a half way to go in order to achieve the EFA by 2015, which was put forward in Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All. However, EFA is still confronted with some serious problems, such as imbalanced education development, low efficiency of education management, blank commitment from international community, etc.. UNESCO issued EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 in November 2008, and it emphasizes that EFA has a long way to go and education governance is important for dealing with these challenges. As far as the whole world, annual monitoring report has its own concerns based on a certain topic and views. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 raises many suggestions and ideas on education governance which would be helpful for EFA in the countries.
Journal of Schooling Studies
education governance
education for all
EFA Global Monitoring Report