
东道主与游客关系中的中介力量作用探析——以丹巴县甲居藏寨为例 被引量:6

Research on the Media between Host and Guest:a Case Study of Tibetan Villages in Danba County
摘要 旅游的显著特点是大规模不同社会经济和文化背景的人面对面相遇。人类学者对旅游活动中"人"的研究集中在东道主和游客两端:东道主方面注重旅游对当地社会的影响,游客方面则追问旅游的起源。这种二元分析模式是不全面的。主、客之间的媒介不容忽视,比如政府推动所附加的政治资本、业主投资带来的经济资本和旅游地符号化的民族文化资本等。本文以丹巴县甲居藏寨为例,试图呈现东道主、游客和第三方中介在内外多种因素激发下"我者"和"他者"之间的共谋和互动。文章最后提出了在另类旅游形式中卷入旅游的个人或群体成为负责任的道德主体这一构想。 A distinguished feature of tourism is that large-scale people from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds come to meet face-to-face. The major themes which anthropologists have covered in the study of tourism focus on two ends: host and guest. The hosts emphasize tourism impact while the guests seek to understand the origin of tourism. The author believes that this binary model is a partial analysis since the impact of Medias between the two ends is overlooked. The Medias include the added political capital from government promotion, the economic capital brought by investment and the symbolic capital represented by local culture. This paper takes a Tibetan village in Danba County named Jiaju as a case in point to reveal the conspiracy and interaction between ego and the other under multiple influences. Furthermore, it proposes that individuals and the agents involved in tourism should become responsible moral subjects in alternative tourism.
作者 杨明华
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2009年第5期8-14,共7页 Tourism Science
关键词 东道主与游客 自我与他性 媒介 负责任的道德主体 甲居藏寨 host and guest ego and other media responsible moral subject Jiaju village
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