
重构女性战争文学创作历史--从华顿的《一个战争故事的创作过程》谈起 被引量:1

Reconstructing the History of Women's War Writing:An Interpretation of Wharton's Writing a War Story
摘要 本文从伊迪丝·华顿的短篇《一个战争故事的创作过程》入手分析女性作家在创作战争文学时所面临的困境。男性作家对女性从事创作的消极态度、男性在(战争)文学创作领域的权威地位、现代主义写作手法等都在该作品中得到了揭示及反讽。在发掘和阐释女性战争文学创作的过程中,读者可见证女性为建立作家身份所付出的努力及其结果,这对重构女性(战争)文学创作历史有一定的作用。 Based on a critical reading of Wharton s Writing a War Story,this paper discusses the dilemma that women writers encounter in their writings about war. The prejudice about women s writing that male writers hold,the male-dominance in (war) literature and modernist techniques have received critical attention in the story. This paper contends that new interpretations of how women writers strive to establish their identity in their writings will contribute to a reconstruction of women s (war) literature.
作者 李晋
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期96-101,共6页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 女性作家 战争文学创作 伊迪丝·华顿 一个战争故事的创作过程 women writers war writing Edith Wharton Writing a War Story
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