数字控制相对于传统的模拟控制技术体现出很多显著的优点。该文以数字信号处理器TMS320F2812为控制芯片,实现了单相Boost PFC变换器完整的数字控制解决方案。首先分析了单相Boost PFC电路的原理和主电路参数的选取,建立了Boost PFC数字模型,在Matlab的SISOTOOL工具模块中对Boost PFC进行PI配置。最后,通过仿真和实验验证了所建方案的正确性。说明数字控制的功率因数校正具有优良的性能。
Compared with the traditional analogy control technology, digital control of PFC has more advantages. This paper achieves the complete solutions for digital controlled single-phase Boost PFC based on digital signal Processor TMS320F2812. Firstly, analyzed the work principle and discussed how to choose parameters of PFC. The digital model was build and simulated in the SISOTOOL of Matlab for appropriate PI configuration. Atthe end of the paper, the performance was proved that the digital PFC has good efficiency by simulation and experiment.
Electrical Automation