
黄芪和地塞米松对哮喘失衡表达转录因子T—bet/GATA-3不同的调节作用 被引量:2

Different regulatory effect of Astragalus membranaceus and dexamethasone on imbalanced T cell-specific transcription factors T-bet and GATA-3 in asthma
摘要 目的观察T细胞特异转录因子T—bet/GATA-3在支气管哮喘中失衡表达,探讨黄芪和地塞米松对其不同的调节作用。方法40只雄性SPF级SD大鼠随机分为对照组、哮喘组、地塞米松组和黄芪组,20只雄性SPF级致敏SD大鼠脾脏中分离获得CD4^+T细胞,苏木精-伊红染色观察气道病理改变;酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测大鼠血清中IL-4、IL-5、IFN-γ含量;逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测IL-4、IL-5、IFN-γ、T—bet和GATA-3mRNA表达;Western blot法检测T—bet和GATA-3蛋白表达。结果肺组织中嗜酸粒细胞(EOS)、淋巴细胞、管壁面秽支气管管腔内周长(WA/Pi)和支气管平滑肌面积/支气管管腔内周长(ASM/Pi)哮喘组比对照组明显增多或增厚(P均〈0.01),地塞米松组和黄芪组明显低于哮喘组(P均〈0.01);血清中IL-4和IL-5含量,哮喘组高于对照组(P均〈0.01),地塞米松组和黄芪组均低于哮喘组(P均〈0.01),血清中IFN-γ含量哮喘组远低于对照组(P〈0.01),地塞米松组低于对照组(P〈0.01),但黄芪组明显高于哮喘组(P〈0.01)。在大鼠肺组织和致敏大鼠脾CD4^+T细胞中,IFN-γ mRNA、T-bet mRNA和蛋白表达哮喘组明显低于对照组(P均〈0.01),地塞米松组与哮喘组相似(P〉0.05),黄芪组与对照组相似,但明显高于哮喘组(P〈0.01);IL4和IL-5mRNA、GATA-3mRNA和蛋白表达,哮喘组异常高于对照组(P〈0.01),地塞米松组和黄芪组均明显低于哮喘组(P〈0.01);肺组织中T—bet/GATA-3蛋白表达量比值,哮喘组明显低于对照组(P〈0.01),地塞米松组与哮喘组相近(P〉0.05),黄芪组与对照组的比值相近(P〉0.05),明显高于哮喘组和地塞米松组(P均〈0.01)。结论T细胞特异转录因子T—bet/GATA-3在哮喘中失衡表达,黄芪抑制哮喘气道炎症可能通过双向调� Objective To investigate imbalanced T cell-specific transcription factors T-bet and GATA-3 in asthmatic rats, and to identify the different effects of astragalus and dexamethasone on them. Methods Forty male SD rats were randomly divided into a control group, an asthmatic group, a dexamethasone group, and an astragalus group, and were observed the change of airway histology. Two weeks after immunization, CD4^+ T cells were obtained from singled-cell suspension of spleen (after lysis of RBCs). The concentrations of IL-4, IL-5, IFN-γ in serum were measured by ELISA. The mRNA expressions of IL-4, IL-5, IFN-γ, T-bet and GATA-3 in the lungs and CD4 ^+ T cells were detected by RT-PCR, and the protein expressions of T-bet and GATA-3 in the lungs and CD4^+ T cells were detected by Western blot respectively. Results In the asthmatic group, the numbers of eosinophils and lymphocytes, the thicknesses of WA/Pi and ASM/Pi were (25.70 ± 2.50)/mm^2, (44.80 ± 5.69 )/mm^2, ( 12. 15 ± 1.47 ) mm, (6.82 ± 0.91 ) mm, and those of the control group were (2.40 ± 1.27 )/mm^2, (8.90 ± 1.97)/mm^2, (6.49 ±1.57) mm, (2.75 ±0. 62) mm, and those of the dexamethasone group were (6.70 ± 1. 89)/mm^2, (15. 80± 3.12) /mm^2, (8.02±1.35)mm, (3.38±0.65)mm, and those of the astragalus group were (11.20 ± 2.97)/mm^2 , ( 19.80 ± 4.59) /mm^2, ( 8.86 ± 0.96) mm, ( 3.96 ± 0. 61 ) mm. There were significant differences between the asthmatic group and the control group, the asthmatic group and the dexamethasone group, and the astragalus group ( P 〈 0.01 ). In the asthmatic group, the concentrations of IL-4, IL-5, IFN- γ in serum were (35.23 ±8.02) pg/ml, (32.03 ±3.99) pg/ml, ( 16.73 ±5.15) pg/ml, and those of the control group were ( 14.48 ± 1.68 ) pg/ml, ( 14.23 ± 0.97 ) pg/ml, (64.55 ± 14.04) pg/ml, and those of the dexamethasone group were ( 14.97±1.09) pg/ml, ( 16.13 ±2.36) pg/ml, ( 16.69 ± 4.05 ) pg/ml, those of
出处 《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期907-913,共7页 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
关键词 哮喘 转录因子 T淋巴细胞 黄芪 地塞米松 Asthma Transcription factors T lymphocyte Astragalus membranaceus Dexamethasone
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