

Evaluation on Hg Pollution in Surface Soil in Cixi City of Zhejiang Province in Recent 1000 Years
摘要 采用富集因子法评价了浙江慈溪地区不同成土时间表层土壤元素Hg的污染程度。结果表明,该地区成土过程中土壤重金属元素Hg污染程度一直增加,其中:成土前200年元素Hg污染程度缓慢增加,随后急剧上升,近1000年时污染程度最高;表层土壤元素Hg质量是自然积累和人为污染叠加的结果,近1000年表层土壤元素Hg人为污染量最多,约占Hg其总质量的83%。 The pollution degree of Hg in different age surface soil in Cixi City of Zhejiang Province was evaluated by enrichment factor method. The results showed that soil Hg pollution degree in this area was always increased in soil forming process, Hg pollution degree increased slowly in previous 200 years of soil forming process, and steep increased subsequently, Hg pollution degree reached the highest in recent 1 000 years. Hg mass in surface soil was the superimposed result of natural accumulation and artificial pollution, and the artificial pollution amount of Hg in surface soil was the most in recent 1 000 years, being 83% of total mass of Hg in surface soil.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第32期15933-15937,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家级地质环境监测与预报专项(1212140501001)
关键词 慈溪 表层土壤 HG污染 富集因子法 单因子指数法 Cixi Surface soil Hg pollution Enrichment factor method Single factor index method
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