The reversal development of input verse output non-linear signals is presented by using a so called "Ten-Normalized Algorithm". The key point is that the maximum and minimum output signals are taken respectively as ten and zero on the ordinate axes. Other output signals are located in the range of them according to their ratios. The input signals can be expressed as a polynomial of the reversal development for output signals with five orders, which is an interlaced series with five orders. The approximate coefficients of the first and second order can be obtained from two sampling values by solving their two coupled equations. The other three coefficients of the high orders can be obtained by introducing them into the polynomial of reversal development until each computed values are respectively close to their sampling values after a lot of iterations from their possible minimum to maximum coefficients of the high orders, step by step. The possible range is estimated by using a normalized matching polynomi- al, according to all of situations for the probable experimental data distribution to minimize the range for searching the optimum coefficients. At last, a polynomial with five orders of the reversal development for output signals verse input signals is obtained, after the "ten-denormalized"process.An example was taken from the reversal development of input verse output signals for an ethanol sensing device. The input signals were ethanol equi-quantifies; the output signals were the resistance of the sensing element or the voltages over it. After processing the output signals through a microprocessor, the ethanol quantities were revealed as results from the reversal development. The precision of the reversal development was ± 1.5 % of ethanol quantifies.
Acta Electronica Sinica
reversal development of input verse output signals
ten-normalized algofithm
estimating the ratio among coefficients of polynomial
ethanol sensing devices