

Effects of estradiol valerate on the testis function of FI male rats at sexual maturation period
摘要 目的从睾丸组织发育、附睾精子质量、内分泌激素等方面评估睾丸功能在早孕期给予SD大鼠戊酸雌二醇对其雄性子代性成熟期的影响。方法孕鼠随机分对照组及低、中、高剂量组,孕6~15 d灌胃给予戊酸雌二醇0.2~0.8 mg/(kg·d),分娩后对其雄性子代性成熟期测定附睾精子密度、活率,睾丸组织学切片观察生精小管的形态学变化,测定血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、睾酮(T)水平。结果对照组及各给药组子代性成熟期的睾丸生精小管直径及上皮高度比较,血清FSH、LH、T比较,无显著差异(P>0.05)。子代出生60d附睾精子密度低、中、高给药组比较,无显著差异(P>0.05)。但各给药组与对照组比较均晶著下降(P<0.01)。对照组及各给药组子代出生60 d的附睾精子活率比较,无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论早孕期大鼠补充戊酸雌二醇0.2~0.8 mg/(kg·d),出生的雄性子代在性成熟期的睾丸功能未见明显缺陷,但可导致精子密度下降,未见剂量依赖关系,提示为避免子代生殖缺陷,仍需在用药剂量上加以限制。 Objective: To evaluate the effects of estradiol valerate on the testicular function in male filial generation at sexual maturation period in aspects of testicular histological development, epididymis sperm quality and endocrinology. Methods: The pregnant SD rats were divided randomly into 4 groups. Three groups of rats were fed with low, middle and high dosage of estradiol valerate, one group as control group. After the baby rats were born, the male filial generations were fostered normally. Executing the male filial generation of rats on postnatal day 60, the epididymis was took out to measure the sperm density and motility. The testicular biopsy was made to observe morphological changes of spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. The levels of serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone were measured. Results: There were no obvious differences in testicular histological development among filial generations of control group and each group fed with drug(P〉0.05). There were no obvious differences in sperm density of epididymis on postnatal day 60 among filial generations of low, middle and high dosage group(P〉0. 05), but sperm densities of each group fed with drug were significantly lower than that of control group(P〈0.01). There was no obvious difference in sperm motility of epididymis on postnatal day 60 among filial generations of control, low, middle and high dosage group(P〉0.05). Conclusions: To feed rats with estradiol valerate at early pregnant period did not induce obvious deficiency in testicular function at sexual maturation period, but may result in decline of sperm density, and there was no correlation with dosage. It was suggested that drug dosage should be controlled in order to prevent filial generation from reproductive deficiency.
出处 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第5期455-459,共5页 Journal of Reproductive Medicine
基金 广东省医学科研基金资助项目(A2007419) 2009年度汕头市重点科技计划项目
关键词 戊酸雌二醇 大鼠 睾丸功能 Estradiol valerate Rats Testicular function
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