The article introduces a series of significant changes taken place in manufacturing industry in recent years, such as production mode in enterprises is faced with great change, green manufacturing will be an important character in next century, the manufacturing technology aimed at improving ability for rapid responsing changes in the market will be developed and applied at full speed, virtual technique will be widely applied, components manufacturing industry will be developed rapidly, 'middle court' industry is springing up, pure competition among companies is stepping towards both competition and allying with each other, products' quality is regarded as life of a company, quality control will be presevered, taking men as foundation and attatching great importance to kindle the personels' enthusiasm, etc. A detail introduction is made on the 9 subjects of advanced manufacturing technologies that are major projects of China to develop at present. They are 1. CAD, 2. precision forming technology, 3. rapid prototyping manufacturing (RPM) technology, 4. dynamic simulating technology for hot forming process of metals, 5. ultraprecision machining technology, 6. NC technology, 7. robot, 8. computer integrated manufacturing and 9. distributed network manufacturing.
World Manufacturing Engineering & Market