目的了解北京市通州区监测点乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)诊断、报告中存在的问题,为乙肝防治提供依据。方法对监测点符合病例定义的乙肝病例进行调查和采血,复核抗甲型肝炎病毒抗体IgM(抗-HAV IgM)、乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)和乙肝病毒核心抗体IgM(抗-HBc IgM),最终进行实验室诊断。结果对符合乙肝监测病例定义的133例病例进行分析,急性乙肝疑似病例占27.07%,急性乙肝确诊病例占5.26%,慢性乙肝疑似病例占8.27%,慢性乙肝确诊病例占29.32%,乙肝后肝硬化占17.29%,原发性肝细胞癌占12.78%。对108例进行实验室复核,复核后急性乙肝确诊病例占19.44%,慢性乙肝确诊病例占32.41%。急性乙肝疑似病例复核后构成变化最大。结论通州区目前报告的乙肝病例中以慢性病例为主,从监测点估算通州区急性乙肝发病率要低于疫情报告网的发病率,慢性乙肝发病率要高于疫情报告网的发病率。
Objective To find out the problems in diagnosis and report of reported hepatitis B cases in pilot surveillance sites, and to provide useful information for hepatitis B control and prevention. Methods The reported cases of hepatitis B were confirmed by collecting blood specimen and laboratory testing on IgM of anti^HAV, HBsAg and IgM of anti-HBc in Tongzhou District. Results Among 133 cases of hepatitis B reported, 27.07% of them were as suspected acute cases, 5.26% as acute cases, 8.27% as suspected chronic cases, 29. 32% as chronic cases, 17.29% as cirrhosis and 12. 78% as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Among 108 reported hepatitis B cases confirmed by laboratory testing, 19.44% of them were diagnosed as acute hepatitis B, 32.41% as chronic cases. Conclusion In the current surveillance system, reported hepatitis B cases were mainly chronic cases and the incidence rate of hepatitis B was lower than the reported on the legal infection diseases reporting system, while the chronic cases were higher than the reported incidence rate.
Chinese Preventive Medicine