
基于区分服务的层次环状结构应用层多播模型 被引量:2

Hierarchical-ring application layer multicast model based on diff-services
摘要 为了提高应用层多播的传输效率,提出一种基于区分服务的层次环状结构的应用层多播模型HRM,该模型构建了一个多层的覆盖网络,每层节点构成环状结构,取消了层中控制节点,减小了控制开销;并在数据传输过程中,根据应用层多播业务实时性不同,采用Push或Pull传输策略,减小传输时延或提高带宽利用率。仿真结果表明,该模型具有较小时延和控制开销以及较低的链路压力,适用于大规模应用层多播环境。 To improve the efficiency of application layer multicast (ALM), an hierarchical-ring ALM model based on diff-services (HRM) was presented. In the model, the ring topology was employed to reduce the control overhead. In the data transmission process, the model used push/pull transmission strategy to reduce transmission delay and increase the bandwidth utilization. Simulation results show that the model provides lower end-to-end delay and link stress and control overhead, which is suitable to those larger scale different types ALM applications.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期128-134,共7页 Journal on Communications
关键词 应用层多播 层次环状结构 区分应用 优先级 ALM hierarchical-ring diff-service priority
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