
19世纪德国历史主义民族观、国家观和伦理观——兼评安托万·基扬《近代德国及其历史学家》 被引量:1

On the Ideas of Nation,State and Morality of German Historicism in the 19^(th) Century:Review of Antoine Guilland's Modern Germany and Her Historians
摘要 历史主义是19世纪德国史学的主要思潮,它强调历史的个体特性,排斥规范化、普适性的自然法思想。在民族观念上,19世纪的德国历史主义表现出明显的排他性,将德意志民族特性推向了极端;在政治观念上,它对国家权力抱有过分的乐观主义,拥护普鲁士威权国家,具有明显的反民主倾向;在伦理观念上,它陷入了道德判断上的相对主义和虚无主义,背离了启蒙时代普遍的人道主义精神,自觉或不自觉地将历史变成为强权政治辩护的工具。法国学者基扬早在19世纪末就已揭示出德国历史主义的这些消极因素。 Historicism is the main ideological trend of the German historiography in the nineteenth century. It emphasizes the individuality of historical reality,rejects the normative and universal thought of the natural law.For its idea of nation,German historicism reveals obvious exclusiveness, pushes the German national characteristics to extremity.For its political idea,German historicism is too optimistic about the state power;it embraces the Prussian authoritative state,and shows evident anti - democratic disposition.For its idea of morality,German historicism falls into relativism and nihilism upon moral judgement,and turns history,either consciously or not,to an instrument which argues in favor of power politics.French scholar Antoine Guilland have revealed these pernicious elements of German historicism at the end of nineteenth century.
作者 黄艳红
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期82-93,共12页 Historiography Bimonthly
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  • 2Friedrieh Jaeger and Jorn Rusen, Geschichte des Historismus ,Eine Einfurung, Mtinchen, 1992 ,p. 79. 被引量:1
  • 3Lord Acton," German Schools of History" ,English Historical Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. 1886), p. 32. 被引量:1
  • 4Antoine Guilland, L'Allemagne nouveUe et ses historians, Paris, 1899. 被引量:1
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  • 6Friedrich Jaeger and Jorn Rusen, Geschichte des Historismus, pp. 95,101. 被引量:1
  • 7Carlo Antoni, Historisme, Geneve, 1963. 被引量:1
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  • 10Arnaldo Momigliano," Historicism in Contemporary Thought", Arnaldo Momigliano, Studies in Historiography,New York: Harper & Row, 1966, pp. 221 - 238. 被引量:1


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