We processed the ascending and descending ASAR data covering the same area by using two-pass D-InSAR method, and got interferograms in two different LOS directions of the Mar. 21, 2008 Yutian earthquake. Through interpretation of these interferograms, as well as the consideration of focal mechanism solutions, geologic structure and aftershock distributions, we held that the fault of Yutian earthquake is a kind of NE normal fault, while haveing a little striking component. In view of small component of striking deformation of the Yutian earthquake, we added a constraint condition that the deformation along the fault to be zero. As a result, we could fill the requirement of calculating 3D deformation by combining another two constraint conditions, the ascending LOS directional deformation and descending LOS directional deformation. Through analysis of the calculated 3D deformation field, we found that in the coherent area of radar image, the largest rising value of foot wall is 15cm, while the largest subsiding value of the upper wall amounted to 22cm. Meanwhile, the greatest tensile deformation is found in foot wall with the value of 115cm, which suggests that the extentional trend of Yutian earthquake is significant. These outcome could provide reference for further understanding of the Yutian co-seismic deformation.