以科尔沁地区半流动沙丘地上6 a生踏郎人工灌木防风固沙林为对象,选取立地质量相近的撂荒地作为对照,通过样地种群结构统计、土壤理化性质测定、群落物种多样性测度等研究,对踏郎稳定性进行了综合评价。研究表明:不同生境下的踏郎人工灌木防风固沙林的各项指标存在差异,坡下踏郎人工固沙林土壤的物理性质、化学性质、种群结构、群落物种多样性及稳定性均达到最好,其中物种丰富度S达到8;Si mpson多样性指数D为0.58;Shannon多样性指数H′为1.35;Pielou均匀度指数Jw为0.74;Alatalo均匀度指数Ea为0.64;M指数达到0.666 7。撂荒地的立地质量、物种多样性均最差,物种丰富度为4;Si mpson多样性指数D为0.29;Shannon多样性指数H′为0.67;Pielou均匀度指数Jw为0.36;Alatalo均匀度指数Ea为0.32。综合评价不同生境的踏郎人工灌木防风固沙林稳定性结果为:坡下>坡上>坡中>撂荒地。
Comparing with abandoned lands,the stability of hedysarum laeve plantation(6a) for wind protection and sand fixation in Horqin semi-mobile dune has been studied by statistically analyzing population structure,soil physical and chemical characters,and community species diversity.The results showed that the indicators of hedysarum laeve plantation for wind protection and sand fixation existed differences in different habitats.The soil physical properties,soil chemical properties,population structure,diversity and stability in the below slope were the best: species richness S was 8,Simpson diversity index D was 0.58,Shannon diversity index H′was 1.35,Pielou eveness index Jw was 0.74,Alatalo eveness index Ea was 0.64,M index is 0.6667.The site quality and diversity of abandoned lands were the worst: species richness S was 4,Simpson diversity index D was 0.29,Shannon diversity index H′was 0.67,Pielou eveness index Jw was 0.36,Alatalo eveness index Ea was 0.32.The general evaluation of stability of hedysarum laeve plantation for wind protection and sand fixation in different habitats was in the following order: the below slope 〉the upper slope 〉the middle slope〉 abandoned lands.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation