Bai Lianchun, named a "Bitter Melon Poet" by his fans, is actually a modem Chinese troubadour who writes poems with his own life under the dim light of oil lamp. He writes poems, because of his love to the poetry and his understanding of what is poetry. He writes poems, because of his bitter life experience and his sympaday on the people living in the bottom of the society. His fame really comes from his devotion to the land. At the same time, he can also be regarded as a modem Chinese troubadour who is hardly strolling from rural areas to cities, telling stories of farmers and urban inhabitants. In his poems, he expressed his love to the land, to the farmers, and to the crops, because he himself has bitter life experience and he knows well about the life struggle of the people close to him. At present the significance of his poems lies in three aspects: his attempts to express his devo- tion to his living land, either the countryside or the cities, and his motivations to tell the good senses of the people living in the bottom of the society; his seek for dream, though there are always bitter tears in his eyes; and his thanks to the land on which he makes a living.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
a modern Chinese troubadour
" Bitter Melon Poet"
writing with one~ life
land and crops