通过IPv4骨干网传输IPv6组播数据目前并没有很好的方案。借助单播封装,配置复杂,且浪费带宽。在MPLS VPN骨干网的环境下,对IPv4组播VPN组播隧道技术进行改进,通过IPv6私网单播和组播路由信息的自动扩散,实现IPv6组播数据的自动穿越。
How IPv6 multicast data can be transmitted on IPv4 backbone is a difficult problem. With unicast tunnel, people must suffer from complex configuration and waste bandwidth. For MPLS VPN network, with some improvement, the IPv6 route information can be diffused automatically between different sites of VPN. So the IPv6 multicast data transit the backbone.
Information Technology