目的探讨拟诊冠心病女性患者危险因素与冠脉造影结果的关系及其与男性患者的差异。方法入选于天津市胸科医院拟诊冠心病行冠脉造影术的患者12 294例,其中男性7102例,女性5 192例,应用冠脉造影观察冠脉病变特点。结果女性患者的冠脉造影阳性率低于男性(60.21%比78.54%),且病变较轻。男性组(65.70%)多具有吸烟习惯,女性组多合并糖尿病和高脂血症(分别为14.64%和44.92%)。结论不同性别的患者冠脉病变特征和危险因素不同,女性冠脉造影的阴性率较高。
Objective To obverse the characteristics of coronary angiography of female patients and to analyze the risk factors and the differences from male patients. Methods This study enrolled patients with suspected coronary heart disease (CHD) who underwent coronary angiography form August 2005 to February 2008. A total of 12 294 patients were included in this study. Patients were divided into male group and female group. The clinical and angiographic data were recorded and analyzed retrospectively. Results The incidence of confirmed coronary heart disease was lower in female patients (60. 21% ) than in male patients (78.54%). Most male patients were smokers (65.70%) , while many females had diabetes ( 14. 64% ) or hyperlipidemia (44.92%). Conclusions Different gender groups of patients have different angiographic findings and risk factors, and females suffer from coronary heart disease less likely.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine