19 strains were isolated from the root nodules of actinorhizal plants Casuarina,Myrica,Elaeagnus and Alnus by squashing,and their morphological,physiological and cross-infection characteristics were studied.The results showed that all the isolates had a typical Frankia morphology with filamentous hyphae,sporangia and vesicle.The reproducrive torulose hyphae were observed in some isolates(FCc64,FCe33 and FMr43).Most of the Frankia isolates were characterized in that their cell walls were type Ⅲ and the physiological groups belonged to B. Furthermore, it is deduced that these strains all had nitrogenase activity for their growth in the nitrogen-free medium. They were also found growing well in liquid media BAP, JA and S. Tween-80 and casein were the optimum carbon and nitrogen sources. However, some obvious differences in morphological and cultural characteristics occurred among the strains isolated from different actinorhizal plants. Most of the isolates from Casuarina had thick hyphae and few sporangia, and formed Lichee's meat white flocculent granular precipitate in the BAP liquid medium, while most of the isolates from Myrica rubra had thin hyphae and many sporangia, and formed rosiness granular precipitate. The morphological characteristics of the isolates from AInus and Elaeagnus were similar to the isolates from Casuarina in the same medium, but the isolates from Alnus had thin hyphae while the isolates from Elaeagnus had thick hyphae. The Frankia isolates were divided into two host-specific groups, according to back inoculation experiment and cross-infection of pure culture with seedlings of Casuarina cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia, C. glauca, Myrica rubra, Alnus cremastogym and Elaeagnus angustifolia. The strains of group l which were all isolated from Casuarina could not only infect Casuarina, but also Myrica, Elaeagnus and Alnus, and those of group Ⅱ from Myrica, Elaeagnus and Alnus had the ability to infect the unoriginal host plants except Casuarina. Fig 2, Tab 5, Ref 19
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology