This paper presents the evaluation of the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) implementation in a study region which is situated in the middle and upper reaches of Yellow River. The area is one of four appraisal areas chosen by a project named " An Integrative Impact Evaluation of China 's Ecological Restoration Programs" funded by American National Science Foundation. Satellite remote sensing images covered the region are interpreted in order to get LUCC ( land use and land cover change) data within 20 years, specially data on sloping land bigger than 25° and data around the start time of SLCP. The LUCC data is applied to evaluation and effect analysis of SLCP implementation. Interpreted data tells the fact that SLCP effect is good in the study area. In the research, 24 Satellite remote sensing images are used to trace .historical transition on LUCC to the year 1978.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation)项目(0624018)资助