2008年11月在广西北海市侨港镇码头采获银鲈科Gerreidae、银鲈属Gerres鱼类标本两尾,经鉴定为大棘银鲈Gerres macracanthus Bleeker,1854,系我国南海鱼类一新记录。其主要特征为:体长卵圆形,侧扁,体长为体高的2.2~2.3倍;体背腹缘均呈弧状隆起,体高以背鳍起点处最高。口小,能活动,伸出时略向下倾斜。体被薄圆鳞,易脱落;侧线鳞41~43枚。背鳍鳍棘部与鳍条部相连;背鳍IX-10,第2鳍棘延长呈丝状,压倒时末端伸达尾柄;臀鳍Ⅲ-7,以第3鳍棘最长;胸鳍长,末端可达臀鳍起点上方;尾鳍叉形。新鲜标本体背部银灰色,腹部银白色,体侧有7~10条青灰色横带;背鳍灰白色,第2鳍棘黑色;臀鳍、胸鳍和腹鳍淡黄色;尾鳍灰黄色,上、下叶内缘暗色,下叶外缘白色。
Two specimens of gerreid fish were collected by trawl from Qiaogang, Beihai City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. These two specimens were identified as Gerres raacracanthus Bleeker, 1854 and represented the first record from the South China Sea. It could be distinguished by a combination of the following characteristics: Body compressed, oblong in shape, its depth 2.2 to 2.3 times in standard length. Dorsal and ventral profiles of body convex, and body deepest at the beginning of dorsal fin. Mouth small, protractible, pointing downward when protracted. Body covered with deciduous cycloid scales; scales on lateral line 41 to 43. Dorsal fin with IX spines and 10 soft rays, second spine laterally compressed and reducing to a filament, reaching the base of caudal fin when depressed; anal fin with III spines and 7 soft rays, its third spine a bit more longer than the second anal--fin spine; pectoral fins long, tip of depressed fins reaching the first anal--fin spine; caudal fin deeply forked. Body silvery,with 7 to 10 blue--grayish dusky bands on upper half of sides, more apparent in juveniles. Dorsal fin hyaline except for the end of filamentous spine, which is black; anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins yellowish; caudal fin dusky yellowish, inner margins of two lobes of caudal fin dark, outer margin of lower lobe of caudal fin white.
Progress in Fishery Sciences
Gerres macracanthus New species record South China Sea