5Hilary Silver and S.M. Miller. Social Exclusion: The European Approach to Social Disadvantage.[J].Social Indicator. Vol 2. No. 2 Spring 2003. 被引量:1
6Frank Vandenbroucke. "Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion Towards Commonly Agreed Indicators in the Europeran Union." Speech on 17 October 2001. 被引量:1
7Social Department of the Premier and Cabinet.“Evaluation: The Social Inclusion Intiative Big Picture”. Jan 2004. 被引量:1
8Brian Nolan. "Social Indicators in the Europe Union." Paper for the Statistics Users' Conference, "Mesuring Government Performance", London 13 Nov, 2003. 被引量:1
9Social Protection Committee. "Report on Indicators in the Field of Poverty and Social Exclusion." Oct, 2001, http://ec.europa/employment - social/news/2002/j an/report-ind-en. pdf. 被引量:1
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