Objective Analysis the epidemiologie feature of the animals biting in human, and provide the basis for the formulation preventing and controlling measures of rabies. Methods Descriptive study was performed using the epidemiological data about animal-wounded individuals in our railroad CDC in 2005~2007. The data were obtained from the clinics for rabies. Results The ratio between females and males was 1.34:1, Teenagers and the victims between 40 years and 50 years are the most high risk groups. The victims were mainly suffered from the bite by dogs, and the bite was usually at the lower limbs, of the victims; Summer (June to September) is the peak season of bite by animals. Most victims received a complete course of rabies vaccine after the bite. Conclusion The animals biting of people is very widespread, management of the dogs and cats should be strengthen, then prevention and cure of rabies ean be achieved through education.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control