目前提出的大多数基于哈希(hash-based)的P2P网络都集中于固定的对等节点。当节点移动到网络中一个新的位置时,这种结构在消息传递等方面的效率就会下降。文章提出一种移动环境中的基于哈希的P2P覆盖网(Hash-based P2POverlay in Mobile Environment,H-MP2P),允许节点在网络中自由移动。一个节点可通过P2P网络广播其位置信息,其他节点通过网络可以获知该节点的移动信息并进行定位。通过理论分析和实验可知H-MP2P在扩展性、可靠性和效率方面都可以取得较好的结果,可以很好的应用在移动环境中。
Most hash-based peer-to-peer (HS-P2P) networks proposed previously focus on stationary peer nodes. When peers move to new locations in the network, these schemes become inefficient in delivering messages. This paper proposes a hash-based structured P2P overlay in mobile environment called H-MP2P, which allows nodes to move freely. A node can disseminate its location information through the P2P network, and other nodes can learn its movement or query its location also through the P2P network. It is known that the H-MP2P has better performance in the scalability, reliability and efficiency by the theory analysis and experiments. So, it can be applied to mobile environment.
Computer and Information Technology