
蓝牙组网辅助GSM邻区信号指纹定位方法 被引量:1

Signal fringerprint wireless location method assisted with bluetooth network formation for GSM
摘要 为提高GSM网络中移动台定位的精度,将GSM网络覆盖区进行空间量化,并根据实时采集和解析测量报告(MR)信令帧,运用MR帧结构中包含的6个邻区接收电平值作为信号指纹向量信息,建立信号指纹数据库,计算出基站到移动台间的路径损耗和相对距离,从而实现对移动台的定位算法。再通过蓝牙无线组网时所建立的多MR联合判决门限,可以消除由于多径衰落和多普勒频移等时变因素所产生的定位误差,从而实现高精度实时处理的场强定位方法。通过与传统定位方法的比较实验可见,该方法提高了定位的精度和准确性,从而能够满足在异构网络环境下精确服务的需要。 To improve the wireless location accuracy in GSM, the area covered by GSM was spatially quantized, then the signal fingerprint database was set up according to the real-time collection and analysis of Measurement Report (MR) frame documents through the usage of the 6 received level value in adjacent areas contained in MR frame structure as the signal fingerprint vector information. Finally, the path loss and the relative distance between base station and mobile station were calculated to realize the location algorithm for mobile station. Furthermore, multiple MR combined threshold which was set up by the Bluetooth wireless network formation could eliminate positioning errors caused by time-varying factors such as muhipath fading and Doppler frequency shift and thereby achieved high-precision real-time field strength positioning methods. Compared with the traditional positioning methods, the above mentioned method improves the positioning precision and accuracy which can satisfy the precise services requirements under heterogeneous network environment.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期2894-2896,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60572047) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资(NCET-06-0642) 华中科技大学科技创新基金资助项目(HF-05-043-07-181)
关键词 信号指纹 无线定位 测量报告 辅助定位 signal fingerprint wireless location Measurement Report (MR) location-assisted
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