Objective To assess the efficacy of acupuncture therapy on oculomotor paralysis. Methods Acupuncture was applied to 30 subjects with definite diagnosis of oculomotor paralysis in China and Uganda. Each treatment lasted 1 hour per day, and 10 days was taken as one course. Main acupoints: ①Sīzhúkōng (丝竹空 TE 23), Tāiyáng (太阳 EX-HN 5), Hégǔ(合谷LI 4), Yìmíng (翳明 EXTRA); ②Cuánzhú (攒竹BL 2), Tóuwéi (头维 ST 8), Wàiguān (外关 TE 5), Yìmíng (翳明 EXTRA). These two groups of acupoints were alternatively used everyday. Subsidiary acupoints: the medial rectus muscle paresis:Jīngmíng (睛明BL 1), the superior rectus muscle paresis: Yángbái (阴白GB 14), the inferior rectus muscle paresis: Sìbái ( 四白 ST 2), the inferior oblique muscle paresis: Tóngzǐliao(瞳子髎 GB 1 ). The size of the palpebral fissure, the size of the pupil and the position distance of the muscles were measured before and after the treatment. Results Thirty eyes of 30 subjects were treated, 10 cases were cured (33.33%), 12 cases effective (40.00%) and 8 cases failed (26.67%). The total effective rate was 73.33%. Of 10 cases with curative effect, 7 cases were traumatic palsy. It was shown that acupuncture was more effective on traumatic palsy. There were significant differences in the size of the palpebral fissure, the size of the pupil and the position distance of the muscles before and after treatment (P〈0.05,P〈0.01). Conclusion Acupuncture benefits recovering the function of paralytic nerve and muscle, which is probably due to that acupuncture stimulates oculomotor nerve or nerve endings as well as muscle spindles and muscle tendons; and it activates neuromuscular connection. Additionally, acupuncture may help the regeneration of oculomotor nerve so that the function of paralytic nerve and muscle can be repaired.
目的:观察针刺治疗动眼神经麻痹的疗效。方法:动眼神经麻痹患者30例给予针刺治疗,主穴取丝竹空、太阳、翳明、合谷,或攒竹、头维、翳明、外关,内直肌麻痹配睛明,上直肌麻痹配阳白,下直肌麻痹配四白,下斜肌麻痹配瞳子髎,两组主穴交替使用,得气后留针1 h,每日1次,10次为一疗程。测定治疗前后睑裂、瞳孔变化值及眼球活动范围值。结果:30例患者中痊愈10例(33.33 %) ,有效12例(40.00 %) ,无效8例(26.67 %)。治疗前后眼裂大小、瞳孔大小及眼球活动度的比较差异均有统计学意义(P 0.05 ,P 0.01)。结论:针刺治疗动眼神经麻痹疗效显著,并且针刺可促使麻痹神经肌肉功能恢复正常。