
改革开放30年:中国的双辊式带坯铸轧产业从零到全球王国 被引量:3

China's strip stock twin-roll casting-rolling industry from nothing to global kingdom after China's 30 years' opening-up
摘要 中国对铝带坯双辊式连续铸轧技术的研发始于上世纪60年代初期,1983年5月研制成Φ980 mm×1 600 mm原型机,同年8月通过冶金工业部科技司组织的专家组的鉴定,标志着中国的双辊式铝带坯连续铸轧技术进入成熟阶段。经过25 a的发展,中国双辊式铝带坯连续铸轧产业取得了举世瞩目的成就,成了此产业的王国。2008年底,保有的这类铸轧机达460台左右,占全球这类铸轧机的58%,总生产能力约4 100 kt/a,2008年的产量约3 500 kt,但单台铸轧机的产量比国外同类铸轧机的约低30%。在这460台铸轧机中有12台引进的,进入21世纪以来中国就再也没有引进了。从2001年起中国制造的铸轧机开始出口,走向世界。在中国所需要的铝板带箔中约有82%可用铸轧带坯生产,用铸轧带坯法生产供冷轧用的带坯与用铸锭热轧生产带坯相比具有许多优点,宜大力发展,前者占的比例最好能达到60%,而用原铝生产的带坯又应占主导比例。 At the beginning of 1960 s began the research and development of strip stock twin-roll continuous casting-rolling technology Φ 980 mm × 1 600 mm prototype was researched and produced in may 1983, and appraised in the same year by the experts'group that was organized by science and technology office of Metallurgy Industry Department, which indicated a mature stage of China's aluminum strip stock twin-roll continuous casting-rolling technology. After 25 years' development, the success of twin-roll strip stock continuous casting-rolling industry attracted worldwide attention and China became the kingdom of this industry. China has had approximate 460 this type of casting-rolling machines by the end of 2008, accounting for 58 per cent of the total amount in the world. The total productivity was approximate 4 100 kt/a, and total capacity of 2008 was approximate 3 500 kt, but the capacity of China's single machine was approximately 30 per cent lower than that of foreign single machine 12 of China's 460 machines were imported before the 21^st century. However, none of them has been imported since the start of the 2^st century. Meanwhile the casting-rolling machine manufactured in China began to be exported in 2001. Approximate 82 per cent of China's demand for aluminum plate strip and foil could be produced by the method of casting-rolling strip stock. The method of casting-rolling strip stock has more advantages than the method of hot-rolling ingot. Therefore we should make great efforts to develop casting-rolling strip stock and make the application ratio of casting-rolling strip stock and hot-rolling ingot to reach 3:2, where strip stock produced by primary aluminum playing a leading roll.
出处 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第10期1-8,共8页 Light Alloy Fabrication Technology
关键词 双辊式铝带坯铸轧 铸锭热轧 亨特铸轧机 3C铸轧机 电磁铸轧技术 aluminum strip stock twin-roll casting-rolling ingot hot-rolling Hunt casting-rolling machine 3C casting-rolling machine electromagnetic casting-rolling technology
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